Friday, November 2, 2018

Ask the HOA Expert: Can a New Board Overrule a Previous Board's Decision? (Part 3 of 3)

Question: Do you have any information or data on what formats Aprogressive@ HOAs are using at their board meetings? For example, do they permit some discussion from the audience rather than require any discussion to be among board members only?
In our HOA, only board members can engage in discussion at these meetings. The rest of us are limited to one timed statement each at the beginning of the meeting. This means we can not respond to anything board members may say in response to our comments even if their remarks indicate they have misunderstood our comments.
And this also means we can not comment on anything that a board member or another commentator may say during that meeting.
Answer: The format you describe is the recommended way of holding board meetings. If non directors are allowed to interject, the meetings would invariably be overly long or degrade into shouting matches. You do have the right to speak or ask questions during the board meeting if the Chair allows it.
Directors are elected to serve without interruption to accomplish business in an orderly way. If you disagree with how the board handles business, you should run for the board, get elected and start making a change. You also have the right to speak your mind at the annual homeowner meeting or call a special meeting if supported by an appropriate percentage of owners (as defined in the governing documents) requests one.

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